About this event
Indianapolis Region SCCA Solo Series Presents:
IndySCCA Solo Fun Event #1
Sunday April 27, 2025 Rain or Shine
Lincoln College of Technology - south parking lot
7225 Winton Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Gates open at 7am.
7:30 | - | 9:00: | Check-in open |
7:30 | - | 9:00: | Tech open |
8:00 | - | 9:15: | Course available for walking once Safety Steward has cleared it |
9:00 | - | 9:15: | Novice drivers walk (highly encouraged) |
9:30 | - | 9:45: | Drivers meeting (mandatory) |
10:00: | First car off |
Scheduled times and run/work orders are subject to change due to location restrictions and conditions.
Please consider reserving your car number for the 2025 season by attending the MSR number reservation event open through the end of March.
Registration Fee:
$44.00 for current SCCA members
$59.00 for non-members signing a weekend membership
Any SCCA member who volunteers to help out with the One Lap of America event on Saturday, May 3 at Grissom ARB will get a one time $15 discount on their next Solo event. Contact Chuck Nienhouse at solo@indyscca.org for more details.
Autocross, aka Solo, is a timed competition that challenges drivers to navigate a course marked by cones laid out on a large parking lot as quickly as possible. Safety is emphasized because cars enter the course one at a time and are spaced out to minimize risks to competitors and event workers. A key emphasis is placed on handling and car control, which breeds some of the most intense competition down to the hundredth or thousandth of a second! It's the most legal fun you can have in your street driven car! There are also classes for non-street legal cars, too.
Run/Work Assignments
SCCA Solo is a cooperative event in order to keep costs as low as possible. Entrants will be separated into Run and Work Groups, and during the event day those groups will swap roles when the number of runs per group has been reached. In other words, all entrants will be required to work an assigned duty at the event either before or after they have driven their competition runs. . Lateness may be taken as a no-show and deletion of timed results or awards. Special adminstrative work duties may be assigned to Chiefs before the event, and all other workers are to report to the Solo Bus or Admin Tent at the start of a Run/Work Group.
Special accomodations to run and/or work early to leave before the event has completed cannot be accomodated. Solo events may run into the mid to late afternoon, and competitiors should make plans to stay at the event unitl it has completed. Run/Work Groups will be assigned after Registration has closed for the day.
Fun Events will be handled somewhat differently. At the start of the event, all competitors will report to the Solo Chair or the designated Worker Chief to sign up for a specific hour long worker duty. The event will start on the hour or on a half-hour, and workers will report to their assigned locations for the duration of the next hour. Those not working may take their competitive laps when they are not working. Note that no timing & scoring staff will be placed at Fun Events, and no timing records will be made availible after the event...the entrant must watch the time display to learn their result.
Miscellaneous Information:
Solo Chair: Chuck Nienhouse (cenienhouse@gmail.com)
Make sure to follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IndySCCA
and our new Instagram: @indyscca
Event requirements
1. Minors
A minor waiver document must be completed and submitted to registration if a minor driver (5 - 17 years old), a minor passenger (12 - 17 years old or >57" tall) or minor worker (12 - 17 years old) will be entering the "hot" areas of competition (staging, grid, start, finish, course, etc).
Children under 12 years old (except minor drivers) are not permitted in "hot" areas per the Solo Rules section
There are two different forms for minor waivers, depending on when they are signed:
One form can be signed and notarized by a notary public:
The other form can be signed and signed off by an IndySCCA official at registration:
BOTH parents' signatures must be present and witnessed by a notary public or by an IndySCCA official at registration.
The minor's signature must be present and witnessed by a notary public or by an IndySCCA official at registration.
If a parent/guardian has sole custody, the parent/guardian must have a completed and signed affidavit stating he/she has sole custody and no other parent/guardian has a lawful claim to custody of the minor.
2. 4 Wheel Drive or High Center of Gravity Vehicles
Due to the increased chance of rollovers, 4 wheel drive vehicles (not AWD) or vehicles with a high center of gravity and a narrow track are not allowed. Examples of excluded vehicles include but are not limited to:
Any vehicle on light truck rated tires.
Any vehicle with a 4-wheel drive transfer case.
Any full size van.
Any mini-van.
Any vehicle with a lift kit.
Any vehicle with a wheelbase exceeding 116 inches.
Any vehicle deemed by the Solo Chairman, Event Chairman, or Solo Safety Steward to be at risk of a rollover.
Examples of vehicles: Suzuki Samurai, Jeep CJ series, Geo Sidekick, Chevy Blazer, Ford Explorer, Dodge Caravan, Honda Odyssey, Ford F150 4WD, Dodge Ram 4WD, Chevy Silverado 4WD
3. Uncompleted Work Assignments
All competitors MUST complete their scheduled work assignment in order to be eligible for event trophies or year-end points. If a competitor does not complete their work assignment during their scheduled time, the competitors scheduled runs will be forfeited and entry fee will not be refunded. If the competitor does not complete their work assignment after completing their scheduled runs, the competitor will be disqualified from the event, will not be eligible for trophies, and will not score any points towards year-end awards. If it is documented that a competitor has skipped work assignments at more than one event during a season, the competitor will be subject to possible exclusion from competing in future events per the Solo Chairman’s discretion.
4. Car numbering and lettering.
Per National rules, numbers must be a minimum of 8" high with a 1.25" stroke. Class letters must be a minimum of 4" high with a 0.75" stroke. They may be made of any durable material that contrasts with the car’s paint. We will allow tape as long as the finished product meets requirements and are on the car before tech occurs. The correct width tape in different colors will be provided at the event for people who don’t bring their own numbers.
“Shoe polish” numbers will not be allowed.
Positioning the numbers on the car’s paint is preferred, but numbers may be placed on the car’s rear-side windows with the following conditions: The numbers/letters must meet size and material requirements (no shoe polish). The window must be adequately tinted so high contrast is maintained. If the tinting allows much light/detail to pass through the window, then the high contrast is lost and won't be allowed. The numbers and letters do not have to be the same color, as long as high contrast is achieved. So, panel numbers that are the correct size, and have high contrast with the panel, can be used with a different class color to maintain contrast with the car color.
5. Helmets
Helmets meeting the following standards must be worn while on course:
All helmets meeting the latest and two immediately preceding Snell Foundation standards (SA 2020, SA2015, SA2010, SAH2010, EA2016, M2020D, M2020R, M2015, M2010, K2020, K2015, K2010), SFI standards (31.1/2020, 31.1/2015, 31.1/2010, 41.1/2020, 41.1/2015, 41.1/2010) or FIA Standards (8860-2018, 8860-2018-ABP, 8859-2015, 8860-2010).
For maximum protection, helmets must fit securely and should provide adequate peripheral vision. The chin strap must be securely fastened.
6. Car Classifications
Drivers are responsible for knowing the classification of their own car with modifications before the event. Official rules can be found online at https://www.scca.com/pages/solo-cars-and-rules